畑ジャンキーとは、多種多様な特殊能力(本業)を持つ仲間たちが十年手付かずだった耕作放棄地を開墾し、地球へのリスペクトを基調とする実験的気晴し農法が“やめたくても、やめられない状態” になることです。そして、これは誰にも止められない。 Hatake Junkie is a group of friends with various skills that enjoy their free time cultivating and experimenting with abandoned land in the northern area of Kyoto city. Concerned about the increase of agricultural land transforming into urban development, we decided to take action, re-cultivate that land to keep the knowledge of the elders alive, and give back to the communities healthy vegetables grown in the traditional natural, pesticide-free style combined with experimental farming methods. Nobody can stop it!